Leica SP5
Major Funding Provided By:
Diabetes Research Center

CrabGuy. Image Credit: Taylor Shagam, Austin Edwards, and Adam Fries -BIDC

Leica SP5 User Guide

The Leica SP5 laser scanning confocal system is used for advanced multi-channel fluorescence and live-cell applications. Excitation sources include five lasers generating  nine lines (405, 458, 476, 488, 496, 514, 543, 594,  633 nm). The inverted microscope system is encased within an incubator for live-cell imaging. An acousto-optical beam splitter allows the investigator to rapidly switch collection parameters without the mechanical movement required of dichroic mirrors. Emission is split into a spectrum using a prism and is collected through five separate tunable photomultiplier tubes. Additionally, a parallel transmitted light image can be collected. 

The system also contains spectral scanning, three-dimensional (z) acquisition and time-lapse capabilities. A programmable stage allows automated return-to-site and multiple-field stitching. 

For access please follow the Request Usage directions.

Other Resources:
SP5Collection Settings
SP5 Lambda Scan

The objectives available for use on the SP5 are: