FIJI Macro for performing xyt bleach correction using the histogram matching method (
and file conversion to be opened in Imaris. Inspired by users on BIDC's Zeiss Widefield microscope.
- FIJI BleachCorrection plugin
- FIJI BioFormats
- Download at GitHub.
- Create a folder for input images and one for resultant output images.
- Open your image stack in FIJI.
- Plugins > Macros > Run...
- Select the text file named wideguy_xyt_bleachcorrect_Imaris.txt
- Choose input folder.
- Choose output folder.
- From the popup window select which channels you wish to perform the bleach correction on.
- Grab coffee.
- .ics and .ids file for each image stack.
- To open the output in Imaris, drag the .ics file into Imaris' Surpass.
- Intended only for use of 2-channel time-series from Manager output files.
- Does not work for z-stacks...yet.