
The Sortomato is a utility for sorting Surpass objects into new objects based on their statistical properties. The Sortomato works with Spots and Surfaces objects. If the objects have custom statistical properties, they can also be used to sort the objects.

There are three different versions of Sortomato on Github. It is important to download the appropriate version of Sortomato which matches your software versions of Imaris and Matlab.  

  • Imaris 7.6.5 with Matlab 2014 
  • Imaris 8.1.2 with Matlab 2015 or newer 
  • Imaris 8.3.1 with Matlab 2015 or newer     


  • Download at GitHub.
  • Place the contents of the .zip file into your default Imaris extensions folder.   
  • Within the Imaris software, click  Edit  > Preferences  >  Custom Tools
  • Within  'Custom Tools'  click the  'Add'  button and navigate to the matlab directory where the sortomato contents were placed. Then click 'Select Folder' . 
Executing the XTension

Sorting Surfaces with the Sortomato.pdf