The Zeiss Axio Imager2 with Apotome microscope is an upright with a manual stage and has both an Axio Cam MrC5 color camera and a Roper/Photometrics CoolSnap HQ2 monochrome camera for fluorescence.
Filter cubes installed are:
Filter Set 49 DAPI,EX G365
Filter Set 38 HE GFP, FITC
Filter Set 43 HE Cy3
Filter Set 64 HE mPlum
Filter Set 50 Cy5, EX BP640/30
The microscope can be used in widefield or Apotome structured illumination mode which provides reduced background and moderate optical sectioning capability. The system uses Axiovision 4.8 software.
For access please follow the Request Usage directions.
The objectives available for use on the Apotome are: