Here are a collection of useful educational resources we've found from various sources over the years. If you have a new resource that you've found particulary helpful, please submit it to [email protected]
BIDC Favorites
Microscopy Resources
A searchable database of listings for people who use light microscopes.
Optical Microscopy Primer
Introduction to microscopy and microsocpy techniques
Molecular Probes Handbook (Sign up to download)
A Guide to Fluorescent Probes and Labeling Technologies
Carl Zeiss Microimaging Online Campus
Basic and advanced microscopy concepts
A Comparison of Microscopy Optical Sectioning Techniques by James Jonkman
What Do I Really Need from My Microscope Camera? by James Jonkman
Semrock SearchLight
Nikon Microscopy U
A source for microscopy education
Is Cool the Rule for CCDs? by James Jonkman
Optical Clearing and Mounting Media for Confocal Microscopy of Thick Specimens
Golub Collection of Historical Microscopes
A collection of historical microscopes
Olympus Microscopy Resource Center
Fundamentals of Fluorescence Microscopy by James Jonkman
Highlights the most influential developments in light microscopy
Understanding Microscopes and Objectives-Edmund Optics
Leica’s Science Lab Microscopy Knowledge Portal
Scientific research and teaching material on the subjects of microscopy
Fluorescent Protein Properties
Confocal Microscopy Listserv
Mounting Media and Antifade Reagents
Basics of Light Microscopy and Imaging- Olympus
Image Analysis
Image analysis and visualization software
Python for Microscopists
YouTube channel containing videos explaining the very basics of Python programming.
Custom Microscopy Solutions
Austin Blanco’s Blog
Custom solutions for microscopes and imaging systems
Quorum Technologies
Excelitas Technologies
Innovative photonic products and components